
About our factory:

Wuhan Huada new motor technology Stock Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise restructured from the former new motor factory of Huazhong University of technology. Relying on the comprehensive advantages of Huazhong University of science and Technology (formerly Huazhong University of Technology), the company developed, produced and sold high-power six phase reactive stepping motors in the 1970s. It is one of the first manufacturers to launch commercial stepping motors in China; After that, we developed, produced and sold three-phase reluctance stepping motor; The three-phase permanent magnet synchronous AC servo motor series was not developed in the 1980s and passed the appraisal and acceptance in 91. It is also the first manufacturer in China to launch the domestic commercialized AC servo motor series. In the 1990s, we independently developed and produced a series of three-phase hybrid stepping motors.

Wuhan Huada new motor technology Stock Co., Ltd. integrates R & D, production and sales. For 30 years, it has been specializing in the production of AC servo motors, LB series servo motors, LDD series absolute value high-precision servo motors and CTD series turning motorized spindles. At present, it is one of the preferred supporting control motors in the domestic CNC industry and automation industry. With complete product series and strong stability, it is widely used in CNC, automation and other intelligent equipment industries, It is also recognized by industry benchmark customers with "high reliability and applicability" and exported overseas.


introduzzjoni tal-prodott:

The whole series of linear motor and standard module products are self-developed and designed, which have the advantages of high thrust, high speed, high acceleration, high precision, long stroke and multi-Mover application. They can completely replace the screw module+servo motor, and are equipped with drivers from Gaochuang, Panasonic, Mitsubishi and other brands. The non-standard linear motor module can be customized according to customer requirements, and the non-standard customized application platform and multi-Mover application design can be developed and designed according to customer application scenarios.

Dealour servo drive jadotta proċessur ġdid sinjal diġitali (DSP) u modulu qawwa intelliġenti (IPM), b'rispons ta 'veloċità għolja u l-eżattezza posizzjonar, mgħammra ma' varjetà ta 'protokolli xarabank, it-tieni feedback sħiħ interface ta' ċiklu magħluq, SBF servo sewwieq huwa prinċipalment sewwieq apposta bil-mutur hxdwh, bi speċifikazzjonijiet kompleti, stabbilità għolja, rispons mgħaġġel u preċiżjoni għolja, u l-irfid tal-prodott RS232 u RS485 Hija jappoġġja EtherCAT, Enerġetika, mechatrolink-II, mechatrolink III, CANopen u protokolli oħra xarabank.

Hxdwh AC servo mutur tistrieħ fuq il-vantaġġi komprensivi tal Huazhong Università tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija u tintegra R & D, produzzjoni u bejgħ. Hija l-aktar kmieni AC kummerċjalizzati servo bil-mutur fil-Ċina. Fil-preżent, saret waħda mill-ewwel għażla ta 'appoġġ muturi kontroll fl-industrija u l-awtomazzjoni industrija domestika CNC, ma' serje prodott komplut u l-istabbiltà qawwija. Prodotti tagħha rebħu l-klijenti ta 'referenza industrija ma "affidabilità għolja u applikabilità" U mibjugħa barra mill-pajjiż.

THINKVO-I7 series servo drives are designed for applications that require frequent high-speed and high-precision positioning.It will make the most of machine performance in the shortest time possible, thus contributing to improving productivity.i7-series Servo Drives include i7DS for single-axis control and i7DW for two-axis control.



VEICHI is a well-known high-tech enterprise which is professionally engaged in the development, manufacturing and marketing of  industrial automation control products. VEICHI Electric (Stock Code: 688698) officially landed in the A-share market and was listed on the Sci-Tech innovation board of Shanghai Stock Exchange on December 29, 2020. Successful landing in the capital market is not the end, but the beginning of VEICHI new journey. VEICHI products include Frequency Inverter, Servo System, Solar Pump Inverter, PLC, HMI, Automation Equipment and more, mainly serving smart factories, intelligent equipments, robots, new energy and other applications. With a powerful R&D team, advanced production system, independent intellectual property and 2 manufacturing bases in Shenzhen and Suzhou, and one subsidiary in India. VEICHI is committed to becoming one of the leading providers of industrial automation control products and system solutions.

Yinhan (CDK) Preċiżjoni servo reducer planetarju, kejbil Coupling, servo assemblaġġ u Konnettur jistgħu jiġu adattati għal kull marka ta 'mutur servo, mutur pass jew mutur DC, bħal Yaskawa, Panasonic, Fuji, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, Omron, Siemens, Delta, Hxdwh, Schneider, Lenze, Rexroth eċċ, li huma użati b'mod wiesa 'sistemi varji servo, robots industrijali, l-industrija għodod tal-magni, l-industrija awtomazzjoni, eċċ

The main  products:

Ac servo motor,Ac servo drive,Planetary reducer(Gearbox),  Stepper motor and stepper driver , Coupling, Automatic cable assembly and Servo Connector are widely used in CNC machine tools, processing centers, industrial robots, glasses machinery, woodworking machinery, automatic production lines, plastic machinery, textile machinery and other fields.

Kultura korporattiva:

Kwalità ewwel, tal-Bniedem orjentati lejn, Bini-industrija billi kreditu, negozju Sostenibbli

Għan Intrapriża: 

Mill-kontroll preċiż sa trasmissjoni preċiżi, li ssir fornitur integrat effiċjenti ta 'kontroll mozzjoni u s-soluzzjonijiet ta' trażmissjoni.